internal smoothing function Function that does the smoothing on individual image array
internal smoothing function Function that does the smoothing on individual image array
method = c("median", "iso", "box"),
iter = 1,
sigma = 1,
box = 20,
threshold = 0,
neuman = TRUE,
gaussian = TRUE,
na.rm = FALSE,
across_levels = "min"
- image
cimg array
- method
character describing smoothing method to use "median" , "iso" or "box" or a combination of them.
- iter
numeric - number of smoothing iteration
- sigma
numeric - standard deviation associated with isoblur (Gaussian)
- box
numeric describing box size (centered around center pixel) for smoothing
- threshold
numeric - discard pixels that are too low in value (cutoff threshold only applied in box/median blurs).
- neuman
logical describing If Neumann boundary conditions should be used, Dirichlet otherwise (default true, Neumann)
- gaussian
logical - use gaussian filter
- na.rm
logical describing if NA values should be removed
- across_levels
character - method used to account for multiple smoothing levels (see details). Select from: "min","mean", "max"