Generate image embddings from spatial omics data.
dim_reduction = "PCA",
normalization = "log_norm",
use_counts = "raw",
dimensions = 30,
tensor_resolution = 1,
filter_grid = 1,
filter_threshold = 1,
nfeatures = 2000,
features = NULL,
min_cutoff = "q5",
remove_lsi_1 = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
- vesalius_assay
vesalius_assay object.
- dim_reduction
string describing which dimensionality reduction method should be used. One of the following: "PCA", "PCA_L", "UMAP", "LSI", "LSI_UMAP".
- normalization
string describing which normalisation method to use. One of the following "log_norm", "SCT", "TFIDF", "none".
- use_counts
string describing which counts should be used for the generating emebddings. Default = "raw". See details.
- dimensions
numeric describing the number of Principle Components or Latent space dimension to use. Default dimensions = 30
- tensor_resolution
numeric (range 0 - 1) describing the compression ratio to be applied to the final image. Default = 1
- filter_grid
numeric (range 0 - 1) size of the grid used when filtering outlier beads. Defined as a proportion of total image size. Default = 0.1
- filter_threshold
numeric (range 0 -1) describing the quantile threshold at which tiles should be retained (seed details)
- nfeatures
numeric describing the number of variable features to use.
- features
custom set of features to generate embeddings
- min_cutoff
only used when dimensionality reduction method is LSI or LSI_UMAP cutoff for feature to be included in the VariableFeatures for the object.
- remove_lsi_1
logical only used when dimensionality reduction method is LSI or LSI_UMAP indicating if the first LSI component should be removed from further analysis as it usually captures sequencing depth (technical variation)
- verbose
logical output progress message or not. Default = TRUE
The core principle behind vesalius is to convert spatial omics
data into an image. generate_embeddings
allows you to convert
your omics data into a stack of gray scale images.
The stack hight will be equal to the number of dimenions you
selected excluding UMAP embeddings as only 3 dimesnions are availbale.
If tiles have not yet been generated (see generate_tiles
pixel will be generated from the spatial coordinates provided.
If tiles are already present, `generate_embeddings` will skip the
tile creation step.
The algorithm is broadly applicable to many spatial omics assays. Vesalius provides a 3 nornalization methods log_norm, SCTransform, and TF-IDF.
The `use_counts` argument specifies which count matrix should be used
for normalization. This argument is only necessary if you use a custom
normalised count matrix. In this case, set this argument to the name
you gave your count matrix (see add_counts
) and
`generate_embeddings` will skip the normalization and use your custom
count matrix to generate image embeddings.
Note that it is also possible to add custom embeddings by using the
Embeddings can be created using a custom set of genes. These genes can be provided to the `features` argument in the form of a character vector. Note that this will not filter the count matrix hence you will still have access to the whole matrix for downsteam analysis.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# First we build a simple object
ves <- build_vesalius_object(coordinates, counts)
# We can do a simple run
ves <- generate_embeddings(ves)
# maybe we want to try a different method
# both will be stored in the object
ves <- generate_embeddings(ves, dim_reduction = "UMAP")
} # }